Themed board games

Why choose
Timeless Games?

The themed board games are perfect for setting up the mood in your corporate or private event or party. It is the activity where people can be engaged and also get to know each other and socialize at the same time. 

Our games are capable to bring together from 20 to 160 people at once. They can also suggest a theme for your party or event: Cockroach Racing brings you to the sunny Mexico, Cho-Han evokes the atmosphere of mysterious Japan, Hippodrome brings its English gentlemen vibes.

For your corporate party, team-building, friends’ gathering, family event, kids’ birthday party we offer 4 unique games.


Team building

Up to 160

4 unique



This is a big and impressive table game. It involves from 30 to 160 players into an artistic and thrilling experience. Excitement grows with every round. Owners of steeds dice for passing the course to finish and other participants follow the steeds they have chosen and plan new stakes.

Cockroach Racing

Consider the exotic show and party spirit for your guests. We offer to hold this race in the venue where 30 to 100 your guests will be watching and participating at the real competition of Madagascar racing cockroaches.

"From our experience we can tell that board games always have the special ability to unite people. They are easy to play and make total strangers into passionate team-mates in no time."


“Battleship” is a well known table game, beloved among adults and children. First time presented by Milton Bradley in 1931. Game source is the World War I. The ships, built for sea battles at that period were glorious and one of the most powerful ships in the whole history.


“Cho Ka Han Ka”, or just “Cho-Han”, is a traditional Japanese board game, which comes from ancient times. The main objective of the game is to guess correctly whether a sum of points from the dices is odd or even. Cho means even, Han – odd.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing."

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